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Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board



The Quality of drinking water in Chennai is monitored by Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board through the Quality Assurance Wing. The Quality of water is monitored through sampling, testing and reporting through the team of trained personnel in the laboratory. This division is headed by Executive Engineer and consists of Engineers and Analysts.

The Engineers of this wing provide the necessary Engineering service for effective functioning of the wing, preparation of reports, to take preventive actions at polluted water supply locations, and providing necessary assistance to the field staff in water quality surveillance.

The 10 Nos. of outsourced sample takers do the work of collecting water samples throughout Greater Chennai city, while the analysts analyse the water samples and report to the Engineers concerned in regard to whether the quality of water supplied to the public conforms to water quality standards. In addition to the outsourced sample takers, the Analysts also collect water samples throughout Greater Chennai City in specific locations, during monsoon season.


The scientific personnel in the Analytical section have a periodical sampling programme as per the W.H.O. norms, for monitoring water quality at the sources, treatment plants, Water distribution stations and in the distribution net work.

Water samples are being collected, once in a month from the lakes, which are the major source of water supply to the Chennai City. The treated water from the water treatment plants are collected from the test tap and samples were examined for conformity to physio-chemical and Bacteriological standards.

About 300 samples are tested from the City distribution system every day. The water samples are tested for physio-chemical parameters and bacteriological analysis. During monsoon period, the number of samples is doubled.

The water supplied to the public is assured as per norms laid down in BIS: 10500-2012, the Indian Standard. The Physical, Chemical and Bacteriological quality of water should not exceed the limits shown in the table below:


I. Water entering the Distribution system

Coliform count in any sample of 100 ml should be Zero. A sample of the water entering the distribution system that does not conform to this standard, calls for an immediate investigation for both the efficacy of the purification process and the method of sampling.

II. Water in the distribution system

  • E.coli count in 100ml of any sample should be zero.
  • Coliform organisms not more than 10 per 100 ml in any sample.
  • Coliform organisms should not be present in 100ml of any two consecutive samples or more than 5% of the samples.


Besides assuring the quality of water supplied by CMWSSB, the QA Wing facilitates the public within the limits of Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) to assess the water quality of their own sources (Well / Bore Well water) by testing for Physio-Chemical examination on nominal charges as follows:

The following parameters are tested for Physical and Chemical Examination for Drinking Purpose as per BIS 10500:2012.

The QA Wing facilitates the public within the limits of Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) to assess the water quality of their own sources for its suitability for Construction purpose.

Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious elements like oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel.

Permissible Limit for Solids for Construction purposes - IS 456 : 2000

Quantity of samples required for testing are as follows:

The containers used for collecting water samples should be free from any contamination. It is advised to use new plastic container of required capacity as mentioned above.

Residual Chlorine Report on 08.11.2022

More than 2.0 PPM 45 15 25 60 48 30 15 45 60 - 60 - 60 - 60 523
1.0 to 2.0 PPM - - 5 - 12 - - - - - - - - - - 17
0.6 to 0.9 PPM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
0.2 to 0.5 PPM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Less than 0.2 PPM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0
Total 45 15 30 60 60 30 15 45 60 0 60 0 60 0 60 630


C.M.W.S.S.Board, New Avadi Road, Kilpauk,
(Near Kilpauk Water Works) Chennai - 600 010.
Phone Number: 2644 9851